Youth Programs at Emmanuel

Our youth programs at Emmanuel focus on three different age groups:


GROW (God Rocks On Wednesdays) centers on teaching Pre-School through 6th graders some of the most important Bible stories in a three year curriculum using songs, stories, games, crafts, object lessons, video clips and lots of great volunteers.


Confirmation builds on a child's knowledge of the Bible by helping them understand what faith means for them personally. We have a two year curriculum with one year getting a better grasp of what exactly is in the Bible and how it applies to their life and the second year centered on Luther's Small Catechism (The Ten Commandments, The Apostles' Creed, The Lord's Prayer, Baptism and The Lord's Supper). 


K. F. C. (Kids for Christ) is our high school program where we try and help the older youth put their faith into practice through events, service projects and Bible studies.